Kompact Klick is designed to offer all the stunning detail and outstanding natural beauty of wood or stone, but with quick and easy installation and maintenance.
After a very short installation period, your Kompact Klick floor will bring you years of pleasure. It is important to read these Instructions carefully and follow them during fitting, as the guarantee will not apply if the floor is not fitted in accordance with these instructions.

The installation of Kompact Klick is straight forward and follows the same guidelines that apply to all quality resilient tile floors. Good preparation is essential for a trouble-free installation. Kompact Klick can be laid on concrete, timber, stone and many other subfloors, which have been suitably prepared.
Site conditions must comply with the relevant national regulations. Kompact Klick is not suitable for external installation or unheated locations but it can be used with under-floor heating providing it is switched off for 24 hours before and after laying (the maximum permitted surface temperature is 28°C/81°F). We recommend that the installed floor should not be allowed to cool below 13°C during its service life.
Tiles and sub-floor must be allowed to stabilise to a consistent temperature between 18°C and 27°C (64°F and 81°F) for a period of 24 hours before and after installation.
Tiles must be stored flat.
Following installation, Kompact Klick should be protected from heavy traffic for 24 hours and must not be washed for 24 hours. Always follow other manufacturers’ recommendations when using their proprietary materials for sub-floor preparation.
1. The floor should be fitted at a room temperature of minimum 18°C/62°F and maximum 27°C/80°F.
2. Before installation, check all panels in daylight for possible defects or discrepancies in colour or shine.
3. Check that the tongue and groove of the click profile is free from dirt and undamaged.
4. For best results mix at least two packs when fitting to avoid repetitions in the pattern. It is also preferable only to use material from the same batch in a single room.
5. The surface beneath the floor must be sufficiently prepared in advance to guarantee successful fitting of the floor covering. In particular, it must be clean, dry, smooth, firm, level, free from defects and not contaminated with grease, oil or chemicals.